Volunteer Benefits


The key words in maintaining enthusiasm among volunteers are: AIR 

ACTION: Providing the kind of activity Volunteers expect

INSPIRATION: Keeping Volunteers motivated by understanding what inspires them

RELATIONSHIP: Maintaining communication and nurturing a long-term relationship built on trust and support. In order to enhance and build a symbiotic relationship, volunteers are often invited to CSE conferences and meetings. A copy of the annual report is also provided to volunteers so that they are in touch with various CSE activities and programmes. Volunteers are also provided the following facilities:


  • Discount on CSE Publications
  • Invitation to CSE Conferences
  • Get the fortnightly newsletter 


We wish to develop a platform where all our volunteers, past and present can come together and raise issues of common concern. We wish to maintain this network so that we can have access to a talented pool of people who are socially aware and who understand CSE’s aims and goals. So, this is an invitation to you to register with us, even if you have been involved with our cause in the past. 

Senior Volunteers 


Centre for Science and Environment has always encouraged senior citizens and retired professionals to volunteer for a number of reasons

  • Seniors bring rich work experience of a lifetime
  • Seniors usually already have Volunteering experience
  • Seniors are ready to experiment and carry out jobs that they have never done before


For retired citizens, Volunteering is a second or a third career. Volunteering also helps retired citizens to adjust to a newly retired life. Experiment with Volunteering and keep your talents youthful. Over the decades, hundreds of active retired individuals and senior citizens have contributed hugely to various CSE programmes and campaigns. 


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