Project Background
An Artisan Cottage Cheese Manufacturing Plant in Sri City, Andhra Pradesh reached out to Ayala to setup a nature friendly treatment system to treat the wastewater generated aiming reuse of treated effluent for gardening purposes. A dairy industry has high loads of organics, large components of COD, large COD and BOD ratio, which is very difficult to handle in conventional systems. The facility includes toilets with shower cubicles and a kitchen on the premises to service the staff. The inlet TDS is 3500 mg/ltr; COD and BOD are in the range of 55000 and 25000 respectively. |
Treatment Mechanism
The NBS™ has been optimized for many waste-generating sectors through years of experience and research, and treating dairy farm sewage is one of them. Each case is backed up with laboratory testing ensuring that local regulations are met and improved on. Each system is created of modular treatment compartments sewn into the natural topography to minimize energy requirements. Inside the treatment, compartments are a combination of biotic and abiotic components, plants, and aggregates selected for their physical and chemical properties and varying internal hydraulic layouts. All of the systems are designed to stand well within regulatory demands and do so at a fraction of the operating costs and maintenance of conventional technologies. Ayala's Nature-based Solution that was chosen by the owner after intensive search provides an economical, stable, and long-term system that withstands incoming quality, produces high-quality water, improves over the years, are visually aesthetic, and the purified water used for irrigation of fruit trees gives an amazing result in yield and growth rate. Economic savings over time are unequivocally significant along with the ecological, environmental advantages. Video Link: https://youtu.be/CPfP_Ih6GMY |
Performance Quality Parameters
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Name: Ms. Sindhu Cherian |
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