AMRUT Capsule II: Training Programmeon Integrated Wastewater and Faecal Sludge Management

For Municipal Functionaries of Uttar Pradesh 

Date:  January 22-24, 2020
Venue: CSE, 41- Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi

Water team, CSE organized a short term 3 days residential "AMRUT-Capsule 2: Training Programme on Integrated Wastewater and Faecal Sludge Management” for Municipal Functionaries of Uttar Pradesh from January 22-24, 2020 at CSE, Tughlakabad Institutional Area, New Delhi.The three day training was part of the series of trainings organized by CSE for officials of UP.

In order to strengthen capacities of Urban Local Bodies, States and other stakeholders, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) has empaneled CSE for rolling out individual capacity building with a three separate capsule spread framework under AMRUT & Smart City Mission (SCM).

This training aimed to provide technical guidance to tackle the issue of wastewater management by planning and designing of solutions that are affordable, scalable and sustainable. This training programme was attended by 19 officials of ULBs including engineers, town planners, commissioners and executive officers of Uttar Pradesh. 

The theoretical and practical modules of the training included interactive sessions with leading experts, presentation on case studies and visit to successfully implemented treatment systems. The participants got an opportunity to plan and design onsite systems and decentralized wastewater treatment system as part of ‘Do It Yourself’- group exercise.

The training kick-started on 22nd January with registration of the participants and introduction session with room mapping. The first session was conducted by Dr Mahreen Matto, CSE on introduction about CSE, context setting for the training and describing about the importance of sustainable and affordable wastewater management for all. After setting the context, the participants were briefed about wastewater management through well-structured presentation by Dr Matto. A hand-on exercised was designed to understand the difference between centralized and decentralized wastewater management through an interactive module. This session was followed by green campus tour of AAETI, which helped participants to explore the green features of the campus and to understand the actual implementation of decentralized waste water management. Further, the session was conducted on various conveyance mechanisms for decentralized wastewater management by Dr Sumita Singhal, CSE. Later Mr Jyoti Parsad, CSE detailed out various decentralized wastewater treatment technologies through web based tool “MOUNT. The day concluded with the presentation by Mr Rahul Chhabra, CEO Transchem on a decentralized technology Trans Biofilter. He articulated well about its genesis, technology, pricing, applications and various successful implementations. 

The second day of the training was designed for field visit but before that Mr Raman Sharma, NEERI described about another decentralized wastewater treatment technique i.e. Phytorid. Phytorid is a natural yet scientific treatment technology and successfully implemented across various parts of India at various scales such as individual, community and zonal level. He presented its various aspects in detail and had an interaction session with participants. The second half of the day witnessed field visit to Rajokri Lake, which is a very good example of lake revival through SWAB technology. Mr Yusuf Arsiwala, former senior consultant DJB, explained about the inception of the plan, technology, involvement of various stakeholders, funding and current progress through a presentation and later discussion round conducted for better understanding of the concept. 

The last day of the training was intended for “Do it yourself” but before that Dr Matto and MrParsad, CSE described about the various steps for planning, designing and implementation of decentralized wastewater treatment system (DWWTs) starting from data collection to various calculations for designing of DWWTs through presentations.The day concluded with a hand on exercise on designing of DWWTs by the participants based on their learnings and brain storming session on same. The day ended up with the recap and the presentations from the participants on the given exercise. Participants took this opportunity to showcase their learnings through designing of a DWWTs for the given data. The training was wrapped up with felicitation and participant’s feedback on how the learnings can be taken forward and suggestions.