Analysis of pesticide residues in soft drinks-2003

July 02, 2017

After the publication of the PML study on pesticides residues in bottled water which reported the presence of multiple pesticide residues in almost all the brands, a spate of letters were received enquiring about the presence of pesticide residues in soft drinks. In response to this public query it was decided to conduct a similar study in soft drinks.

A total of 12 brands-most popular and easily available -- were considered in this particular study. PML tested the samples with a widely and internationally used methodology based on United States Environment Protection Agency (USEPA) methodology for organochlorine pesticide and organophosphorus pesticide detection. Extraction was done as per the given methodology and analysis by Gas Chromatograph with Electron Capture Detector and with Nitrogen Phosphorus detector using a capillary column.

Soft drinks are non-alcoholic water-based flavored drinks that are optionally sweetened, acidulated, carbonated and which may contain fruit, fruit juice and/or salts; their flavor may derive from vegetable extracts or other aromatic substances. They constitute a defined and homogenous range, designated by a generic denomination and utilizing a single common list of additives. They include the beverages which comply with this definition, which utilize these additives and which do not claim to be part of adjacent categories such as fruit juices and nectars, dairy drinks, mineral waters, etc.


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