Kanpur Parivartan Forum
This is an initiative of informed and concerned citizens of Kanpur who believe in working together towards making continuous holistic improvements in their city. They aim for a vibrant, transparent and participatory democracy. Supported by TiE UP, the "Urban Environment Development Society" (U.E.D.S) with the cooperation of Kanpur Nagar Nigam and help of eminent citizens & general public "PARIVARTAN" for a Clean, Green, Pollution Free Kanpur project has been started. It has also created a traffic cell to look into related problems.
Highlights the inadequate infrastructure facilities for a modern urban center, dusty congested roads with no drains or pavements
Organized a panel discussion on Air Quality in Kanpur
Raised public health challenges of polluted air and identified vehicles, industry, use of poor quality fuel in homes (coal, wood, kerosene, cow dung), open burning of garbage, excessive use of generators, very poor road conditions, traffic congestions and encroachments as major culprits.
Highlighted that measures like car pool and use of bicycles whenever possible can also help a lot.
Conducted a public meeting on improvement of traffic in Kanpur with Kanpur police
Website Kanpur Parivartan Forum http://www.parivartankanpur.org/
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