CSE engages ULB's and Urban Practitioners in Karnataka on Sustainability guidelines and building bye laws

Date: June 26, 2019

Habitat Programme organised a regional meeting in Bangalore to mark World Environment Day on 26th June 2019. It was themed at urban planning and building byelaws for sustainability. Around 80 regulators - mostly from Bangalore Development Authority - and urban professionals participated in the deliberations. 

The meeting was chaired by the Hon’ble Mayor Bengaluru, Smt. Gangambike Malikarjun, Dr. D.S. Meshram (Former) Chief Planner, Govt. of India, Mr. S.B Honnur, Addl. Director, Town Planning Dept, Govt. of Karnataka and Mr. K.N. Narayana Gowda, Jt. Director, Bangalore Development Authority. CSE presented its advocacy on sustainability guidelines and thermal comfort and energy efficiency in affordable housing and the need to prepare dedicated building byelaws.