Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), the New Delhi (India)-based think tank, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Water and Energy, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The MoUfocuses on water and sanitation management -- specifically, in managing faecal sludge and septage. The agreement is working towards developing a needs-based knowledge partnership for collaborative researchknowledge exchange and dissemination; building capacity of both state and non-state actors; and strengthening advocacy, campaigns, demonstration programmes and trainings in focused research areas of mutual interest.
A CSE Team of Experts will be visiting Ethiopia from January 26 to February 7, 2025 to initiate some joint initiatives based on this MoU.
“Our goal is clear – we are keen to foster knowledge exchange, share best practices and discuss strategies for ensuring sustainable and inclusive sanitation in Ethiopia.” |
— CSE Team |
About Centre for Science and Environment
Established in 1980, CSE is a New Delhi-based research, advocacy and capacity-building body with a global footprint. It has been designated a Centre of Excellence (CoE) on Sustainable Water Management by the Government of India, and its work on water and wastewater management is considered seminal.
About Ministry of Water and Energy, Ethiopia
MoWE’s mission is to improve the overall welfare of the society through developing and managing the water and energy resources equitably, sustainably, and in an integrated manner. The Ministry is responsible for water supply and sanitation, integrated water resources management and renewable energy development
UMRA ANEES Programme Officer, Water CSE +91-9773518511 umra.anees@cseindia.org |
DR SUMITA SINGHAL Programme Manager Water, CSE +91 8884646146 sumita.singhal@cseindia.org |
RAJI KIFLE ALEMU Water Supply and Sanitary Engineer Ministry of Water and Energy Ethiopia rajikifle17@gmail.com |
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CSE Team's Visit to Ethiopia | |
DR SUMITA SINGHAL Programme Manager Water, CSE |
UMRA ANEES Programme Officer Water, CSE |
JYOTI PARSAD Deputy Programme Manager Water, CSE |
FARAZ AHMAD Deputy Programme Manager Water, CSE |
SARIM Deputy Programme Manager Water, CSE |
HARSH YADAVA Programme Officer Water, CSE |
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