CSE Survey for Parking Charges: Sarojini Nagar, New Delhi

Parking pricing strategies are essential tools for bringing about a balance in the modal split between private vehicles and the public transport by influencing the traveller’s choice. High congestion levels are due to the travellers’ preference for the private mode of transport. Therefore, in order to bring about a better modal split balance, it becomes imperative to improve the public transit quality and also to charge a fee in the form of congestion fee or parking fee in order to check the growing congestion. Parking pricing strategies are much simpler than the congestion charging ones as they do not require adoption of advanced technologies.

Moreover, according to a recent study by Colliers International, CBD parking rates in Delhi are one of the lowest in the world next to Chennai and Mumbai. While in Beijing (China) and Mexico City (Mexico), the parking rates are five times that in Delhi, in some cities abroad like London, Hong Kong, and Singapore, the parking fees is up to 20-30 times. The result of such low fees is excess demand for parking given the limited supply causing immense congestions in most of the CBD’s and shopping complexes in Delhi resulting in a wastage of time, and efforts, causing immense space occupancy, chaos and resulting in personal conflicts, outrage and also harming the environment as the people take up to private transport given the cheap parking rates as opposed to the public modes of transport.

Therefore, this research is conducted to study individual responses to the parking pricing scheme in Sarojini Nagar Market and hence, to test its effectiveness. The revenues from the collection of the fee would act as a source for the Urban Transport Fund which in turn would be used for improving the transport infrastructure of the city. This questionnaire should take you around 10-15 minutes. We are looking forward to your valuable participation in making this research study profound and noteworthy for policy principles.

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