CSE's New Lab Study on Bread


New Delhi, May 26, 2016
CSE welcomes bread industry decision to voluntarily withdraw use of potassium bromate and potassium iodate in bread-making
This will significantly reduce risk and safeguard public health


New Delhi, May 25, 2016
CSE Note: Indian standards on potassium bromate and/or potassium iodate in bread


New Delhi, May 24, 2016
Bread study aftermath: CSE welcomes FSSAI action
CSE welcomes announcement made by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) to ban use of potassium bromate in bread


New Delhi, May 23, 2016
What's in our bread?
Bread industry uses potassium bromate and potassium iodate, substances that are banned in many countries, but not in India; Indian regulators must act immediately and ban them


A bite of cancer?
A CSE study has found residues of potassium bromate and/or iodate in many types of bread. The additives have been banned by many countries for their potentially adverse health effects

News World India | May 23, 2016
Alert! Eating Breads, Buns Can Cause Cancer
Business Line | Delhi | May 24, 2016
Are carcinogens lurking in your bread?
Economic Times| Delhi | May 24, 2016
Study finds cancer-causing chemicals in Delhi bread
Hindu | Delhi | May 24, 2016
Industry calls CSE report baseless
Hindu | Delhi | May 24, 2016
Is your sandwich safe enough?
Tribune | Delhi | May 24, 2016
Your daily bread may cause cancer, warns study
Asian Age | Delhi | May 24, 2016
Bread you eat can cause cancer: CSE
Telegraph | May 24, 2016
Bread too loses innocence
Times of India | Delhi | May 24, 2016
Is your daily bread safe?
Dainik Bhaskar | May 23, 2016
Navbharat Times | May 23, 2016
Dainik Bhaskar | Delhi | May 23, 2016
Jagran | May 23, 2016
May 23, 2016
Deepika today

Amit Khurana
Programme Manager of Food Safety & Toxins, CSE
E-mail: k_amit@cseindia.org
For any other details, contact:   Souparno Banerjee of the CSE Media Resource Centre souparno@cseindia.org,  Cell: +991086433