Energy Conservation Building Code

The Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC) was launched by Ministry of Power, Government of India in May 2007, as a first step towards promoting energy efficiency in the building sector.

It is estimated that the nationwide mandatory enforcement of the Code will yield considerable annual energy savings. This, coupled with the fast growing building sector, is likely to result in a big leap towards achieving nation’s energy efficiency goals. The ECO-III Project has played a significant role in providing continuous support to Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) towards developing and improving the Code, enhancing awareness and capacity building for its implementation in the country.

•    Provide technical support to BEE to implement the ECBC in a rigorous manner
•    Develop reference material and documentation to support the Code
•    Develop ECBC Training material for workshops and training programs
•    Develop a road map for ECBC implementation

•    Developed ECBC 2007 (Revised version, May 2008)
•    Developed ECBC User Guide. Printed 5,000 copies of the Guide for distribution to the concerned stakeholders
•    Developed ECBC Tip Sheets on Building Envelope, Lighting, HVAC, Energy Simulation
•    Developed Glazing Design and Selection, Lighting Design, and Cool Roof Application Guide
•    Conducted a 2-day workshop titled “Network for Energy Efficiency in the Building Sector – Standards, Education and Information Technology”, with widespread stakeholder participation, in February 2010, to further develop Implementation Roadmap and Compliance Framework