Green Sense - Residential campus inventory

April 09, 2019

Why this toolkit for green campuses?

CSE has designed a Green Campus Initiative targeted at residential areas. The initiative aims to provide urban residents with an opportunity to take action towards efficient use of resources and contribute towards environmental sustainability. This toolkit is part of the initiative and provides residents with the means to increase awareness about their surroundings, innovate based on their needs, and act towards changing the respective resource consumption and waste generation patterns.

Every residential campus has common spaces such as stairways, corridors and open areas which are serviced through the common funds of the residents. Water pumping stations, street lights, diesel generators and power backups also incur a common cost in a residential campus. These services are often not paid heed to but this infrastructure degrades over time. This results in losses of resources such as energy and water etc., adding more to the service bills.

This toolkit draws a roadmap to show ways to save resources by simply managing and realigning the infrastructure to standard performance levels. Additionally, it shows ways to open pathways to develop a more environmentally aware and responsible generation of citizens.

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