Guidance note on Operation Maintenance (O&M) of Faecal Sludge Septage Management (FSSM) Projects and Economics of Desludging in UP

December 19, 2023

It becomes imperative for any ULB to receive guidance about Operations & Maintenance as well as desludging services from the state. This is needed to ensure optimal functioning of the FSTPs and Co-treatment facilities while safeguarding affordability to the household owner, profitability to the private operator and sustainability of the infrastructure.

The state to issue a guidance note to the ULBs suggesting the following for better city level planning of -

  1. Indicative cost of O&M for the different types of treatment plants present in UP.
  2. Fixation of desludging cost/fees based on distance of the FSSM plant and number of trips

For achieving this, CSE did a field level study on Operation & Maintenance cost of FSSM projects as well as on Economics behind desludging services in UP. The recommendations are based on the learnings from these two studies. 

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