Implementing Low Emission Zones

Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) invites you to a workshop and training programme on “Implementing Low Emission Zones in Indian Cities”. The programme is meant for city officials and other relevant departments, academicians and students to exchange the collective understanding about low emission zone as a measure to control both air pollution and congestion.
The overall objective of this programme is to build knowledge and capacity of the implementing agencies with respect to the design, scope, technical planning and a financing mechanism around the area-based planning for implementation of the transportation strategies including electric mobility, walking and cycling infrastructure, intensifying area based public transport services, attaching a preferential order to entry of electric and clean vehicles while accelerating renewal of old vehicle fleet.
The key modules of the training are as follows:
  • Importance of hotspots and area-based planning in state/city clean air and climate action plans.
  • Legal and regulatory framework for area-based planning and their provisions in plans and programmes
  • Designing low emissions zones with special focus on transport and electric mobility in cities
  • Estimating emission benefits of low emissions zones.
  • Learning new techniques -- Using GIS, statistical methods etc to develop zones and assess the need for complementary measures
  • How to design enabling mechanism, regulatory frameworks and fiscal strategies for implementation
  • Education and awareness techniques for building public support, and developing communication strategies
  • Practical exercises on designing low emissions zones for sample cities, and estimating emission benefits


+91 9986935346

