International Online Training on Integrated Wastewater and Septage Management for Officials of Ethiopia

This event is completed


Ethiopia has launched various initiatives and programs aimed at promoting sanitation and hygiene in the country. The “One WASH National Program” aims to provide access to safe water supply and sanitation facilities in 307 Woredas in Ethiopia by 2030. The program focuses on increasing access to sanitation facilities, promoting proper hygiene practices, and improving the management of sanitation infrastructure. 

The World Bank funded “Second Urban Water Supply and Sanitation Project” for 22 towns in Ethiopia, is supporting Faecal Sludge Management in Ethiopia. 

CSE entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Water and Energy, Ethiopia to strengthen efforts in Faecal Sludge Management (FSM). As part of this collaboration, CSE is organizing an online training programme focused on Integrated Wastewater and Septage Management (IWSM). This training is designed to cater to government officials, as well as experts and consultants working in Ethiopia. The initiative aligns with the objectives of the World Bank FSM project, aiming to enhance capacities and knowledge in effective wastewater, faecal sludge and septage management practices.

Learning Objectives

  • A conceptual understanding of wastewater, faecal sludge and septage management, as part of the overall management priority of a town.
  • Build knowledge about tools and approaches for effective FSMand describe what an SFD could be used for, and how to prepare your own SFD.
  • Learning how to plan for FSM at city level – from conveyance to treatment.
  • Understanding of Treatment Systems – Nature Based, Hybrid and Mechanical treatment systems.
  • Understanding the importance of resource recovery and community engagement.
  • Sharing lessons from successful work done in India on FSM.

For more information, kindly contact:

Training Coordinator

Ms. Umra Anees
Programme Officer
Water Programme, CSE

Training Co-coordinator

Dr. Sumita Singhal
Programme Manager
Water Programme, CSE




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