Dear readers,
This week we celebrated Gandhi Jayanti with a look at how the Mahatma ‘mainstreamed’ peace, sustainability, and empathy. In present times however, we find these values being eroded, as we seem to have entered an era of war on democracy, said Sunita Narain
Elsewhere studies find that a changing climate has negative impacts on monsoon rainfall, is melting the Greenland Ice Sheet faster than at any other time in the last 12,000 years, and is linked with “zombie fires” in the Arctic region.
Another study by Oxfam and the Stockholm Environmental Institute, finds that the world’s richest 1% emit twice as much carbon as the poorest 50%. We also take a look at some of the ways our lifestyle can be more sustainable in a post-COVID world.
And finally, we invite you to sign up for our new training course An Introduction to Climate Change: Science, Politics, and Impacts, to be held November 18th onwards. |
Increased sea surface temperature affecting Indian monsoon: Study| 07 October 2020
Greenland ice melting fastest in 12,000 years: Study| 01 October 2020