Dear readers,
This week the World Meteorological Organization brought to our notice that the year 2020 is registered to be one of the warmest years on record due to human-induced global warming. Conversely, the India Meteorological Department has anticipated that this year winter in India will be colder than the past years due to the influence of La Nina which steers the cold winds from Siberia and South China to enter into the Indian subcontinent, which can affect the agricultural practices in the country.
An Apex committee for Implementation of Paris Agreement has been formed by the Indian government which will oversee the implementation of the country’s climate goals and also be responsible for the regulation of carbon markets. Following Cyclone Nivar, another storm is looming over the state of Tamil Nadu. Nearby, Cyclone Burevi is speeding its way towards the Sri Lankan coast and is likely to cause havoc in the island country.
In addressing the climate crisis, we see that local solutions need to be called upon owing to their simplicity and cost-effectiveness, and should be brought into the fore front to spread awareness and combat the dangerous effects of climate change. The threats of non-urgent climate action are many, including the collapse of some of our vital ecosystems – a process that is irreversible once it occurs.
Lastly, the Centre for Science and Environment is happy to present a new factsheet on the repowering of the wind energy sector in India that can play an important role in its low-carbon energy future.
Global warming is real and 2020 is among 3 warmest year ever| 02 December 2020
La Nina influence: Indian winter to be colder than normal| 01 December 2020