Dear readers,
This week, a study published by McGill University indicated that the planet will heat up much earlier than anticipated, and cross the 1.5 degrees Celsius threshold between the years 2027 – 2042. The year 2020 has already been the third warmest year on record and extreme weather events like cyclones and wildfires have caused widespread destruction. In India, such events took the form of cyclones, locust attacks and excess rainfall. Interestingly, a report by the Indian Meteorological Department finds that many such events occurred during the southwest monsoon season, between June and September 2020.
Elsewhere, the International Energy Agency finds that the goal of carbon capture and storage technology to capture 400 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions by 2025 is unlikely to be met. The 30th edition of the Human Development Report by the United Nations Development Programme states that humanity must redefine what it means by progress in the light of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic by working with nature, rather than against it. A report by the United Nations Environment Programme finds that the building sector emitted more than a third of global energy-related carbon dioxide in 2019.
Experts at the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) analysed the coal sector in India and they believe that with adequate efforts the emissions from coal can be cut down by 22 percent. CSE experts also had a discussion on the fifth anniversary of the Paris Agreement and the road that lies ahead – you can watch the video here. |
World to breach 1.5°C threshold by 2027-2042: Study | 22 December 2020
Extreme weather events in 24 of 36 meteorological sub-divisions in 2020: IMD | 21 December 2020
Video |
Paris Accord and beyond, what is the road to COP26 Glasgow?
Two CSE experts discuss the progress so far since the signing of the Paris Agreement and the trajectory of the climate negotiations in the year ahead |
Watch Video>> |