Dear readers,
Due to a scant monsoon, Jharkhand farmers give up on paddy harvest– it is the lowest amount of rainfall in the last decade.
The Southwest monsoon will now likely extend till October, with further detrimental impacts on Indian agriculture. Flash floods in Pakistan have killed over a 1000 people since June 2022.
We also discuss how cyclones in the monsoon may have become the new ‘normal’ and what cloudbursts are.
On the global energy front, the world is on a cusp – countries can choose to reinvent the fossil fuel-based system or reinvest in it, says Sunita Narain.
But 51 countries have doubled the amount of expenditure on fossil fuels, according to an analysis by OECD and IEA.
Research show that global warming is real can cause 6-fold rise in fish mass die-offs by 2100.
India could experience regular heat waves, even if global warming is capped at 2°C.
The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) Green Schools Programme will host a Climate Convocation in September 2022.
Rare 3rd consecutive La Nina event underway, could impact agriculture, 26 August 2022
Horn of Africa faces unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe after 5th failed rainy season, 26 August 2022
New energy conundrum, 30 August 2022
As countries reconcile their energy supply options with climate change, will they reinvent the fossil fuel-based system or reinvest in it?
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