Looking Back at 2022 |
Despite challenges, India’s RE sector surges on |
Binit Das
As part of the Paris Agreement, India pledged to build 175 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2022 and achieve about 50 percent cumulative electric power installed capacity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030. Additionally, the country committed to reducing the carbon intensity of its economy from 35% in 2005 to 45% by 2030.
However, owing to the pandemic in 2020, things were not easy even for the RE sector, which witnessed a reduction in global energy demand, which in turn affected investments in renewable energy (RE).
Despite this setback, pledges from various banks and financial institutions to abandon fossil fuel investments led to an increase in RE investments. Investment in renewable energy in India reached a record $14.5 billion in the last fiscal (2021-22), an increase of 125 per cent compared to FY21-22 says an IEEFA report.
Recall |
Landmarks in clean energy transition |
Maitreyi Karthik
The last few years have seen many changes happening in the Indian Renewable energy sector. We now have universal access to energy. India's power sector has undergone significant development through the increased penetration of renewable energy in the grid and the increasing presence of grid-connected distributed generation. |
Boost for Bioenergy |
Policies announced to steer sector ahead |
Rahul Jain
According to India's Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), approximately 20 per cent of its anthropogenic methane emissions come from agriculture (manure management), coal mines, and municipal solid waste, natural gas and oil systems. To help meet its potential to reduce GHG emissions, India is investing heavily in a national strategy to increase bioenergy production. |
New Strides |
Green hydrogen makes a headway |
Noble Varghese In 2022, the number of countries that formalised a green hydrogen policy to facilitate industry involvement and provide a roadmap for a hydrogen economy in their respective nations, went up to 26 from just 17 in the year 2021. |
News Updates |
Decarbonise steel industry with green hydrogen, says minister |
The government has sought to decarbonise the steel industry by encouraging possible use of green hydrogen as a future fuel, while also aiming at enhanced use of renewable energy sources, application of resource-efficient materials, expansion of scrap usage, strengthening R&D and focusing largely on rural India, Faggan Singh Kulaste, Minister of State for Steel and Rural Development said at the Steel Summit 2022 organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), in association with the Ministry of Steel in New Delhi on December 22. |
SECI invites bids for hybrid power projects |
The Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI) has invited a request for selection for setting up 1,200 MW ISTS-connected wind solar hybrid power projects with assured peak power supply in India under tariff-based competitive bidding. The bidders will be free to avail fiscal incentives such as Accelerated Depreciation, Concessional Customs and Excise Duties, Tax Holidays as available for such Projects. The last date for submitting the online bid is January 12, 2023, for online submission, and January 16, 2023, for offline submission. The bid will be opened on January 17, 2023. |
GRIDCO Odisha to implement state's RE policy |
GRIDCO Odisha has been designated as the state nodal agency for implementation of the Odisha renewable energy policy. GRIDCO is the state designated entity which procures power in bulk for supply to state distribution companies (Discoms) and intra-state trading of surplus power along with other activities. |
Reports |
CAREC Energy Outlook 2030 |
This report analyses future energy market options for Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) program members and aims to help facilitate sustainable energy infrastructure investment. It provides forecasts at the national and regional levels. Furthermore, it aims to equip investors and policy makers with insights on regional trends to help identify potential investment opportunities that will improve energy services and reduce carbon emissions across CAREC countries. |
Off-gird RE statistics |
Off-grid electricity production from renewables, although largely unrecorded in most countries, is believed to be expanding rapidly. By combining information from surveys, administrative data and desk research, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has attempted to illuminate major trends in off-grid renewable energy deployment around the world. |
Residential Training |
Renewable Energy Unit
Centre for Science & Environment
New Delhi |
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Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
Renewable Energy Unit
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Tel: +91-11 29955124, 29956110 | Fax: + 91-11 29955879 |
E-mail: sapna.gopal@cseindia.org |