Dear readers,
This week, Sunita Narain argues that coal should not be singled out in the climate fight, countries of the western world, which have already appropriated the giant share of the carbon budget, should not be given a free pass on the continued use of natural gas.
In other continents as well, the dash for gas is on - 7 new countries have entered the African gas markets finds the Global Energy Monitor.
A new analysis by CSE finds that countries are introducing policies in the name of climate change, which can spark trade wars.
India’s iron and steel industry is capable of emitting less and producing more, says a study by CSE.
In Punjab and Madhya Pradesh, additional irrigation may not save the wheat Rabi crops, due to irrigation and groundwater level concerns.
Western disturbances are one of the factors for the temperature spikes in North India this February.
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La Niña is finishing an extremely unusual three-year cycle — here’s how it affected weather around the world, 28 February 2023
Aphid, thrips threaten vegetable crops, pulses as February temperatures soar across north India, 24 February 2023
Do not just single out coal, 27 February 2023
Why should countries of the western world, which have already appropriated the giant share of the carbon budget, be given a free pass on the continued use of natural gas?
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A new order of trade: |
The global superpowers are abandoning free trade to fight climate change. Armed with massive subsidies and tariffs, the US and EU are leading this charge towards protectionism. This may change the global trade system as we know it. But will developing countries and the climate gain from it?
February, 2023