Dear Readers,
With the 28th session of the Conference of Parties (COP28) of the UNFCCC just around the corner, the world is poised to take stock of the progress of its climate goals. Despite talk around reducing GHG emissions and limiting global temperature rise to under 2 degrees Celsius, the world has already seen temperatures touch 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. CSE’s recent report outlining the Global Stocktake (GST) at this year’s COP will help you understand the process and outcomes better.
That the COP is being held at Dubai – the capital of the world’s largest oil producing nation – and that the president of this year’s conference, Dr. Sultan Al Jabber, is also simultaneously Head of ADNOC – another big oil producing nation’s national oil company – tells a lot about what’s really happening behind the scenes. A New York Times investigative report dives deep to find out more about the lobbying done by Middle-East’s oil producing nations to keep fossil fuels at the centre of the world economy.
Since CSE will be at COP this year, we are organizing a series of webinarsaround different issues that will be tackled this year. If you’ve missed some, don’t worry, recordings are still available online.
CSE is also present at the 3rd Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) at Nairobi to help hash out the first legally binding treaty to limit global plastic pollution. Do check out our series of web stories from our team there covering the formation of the Global Coalition for Plastics Sustainability, concerns about its impact on negotiations and the diverse perspectives among member states.
Finally, please do check out our many resources on our webpage that will help you understand our work more. And don’t forget to register for our upcoming residential training program on Compressed Bio-gas (CBG). As always, we look forward to hearing your feedback and/ or comments. |
Noble Varghese
Renewable Energy CSE |
(Photographer: Cydni Elledge for The New York Times) |
Photo above: Saudi Aramco’sResearch Facility in Detroit, Michigan which is working on carbon-capture devices that would fit on vehicles.The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is working to keep fossil fuels at the centre of the world economy for decades to come by lobbying, funding research and using its diplomatic muscle to obstruct climate action, says an investigative report by the New Yok Times.
Read more here. |
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