Dear readers,
Country leaders met in Baku, Azerbaijan from 9-12 September for technical and political discussions on the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on climate finance. The NCQG is a new goal for the provision of finance for climate action from developed to developing countries. It has to be decided by signatories to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by November this year, at the 29th conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP 29), which will also be held in Azerbaijan. I wrote a summary of the written inputs provided by different country groups ahead of this round of talks. The progress in Baku has been meagre, which is worrisome because the deadline to finalise the new goal is rapidly approaching. Key areas of continued divergence between the developed and developing country groups included on the quantum (amount) of the goal and the contributor base (who must provide the finance). Finance is a key enabler of climate action, but consensus on the goal at COP 29 seems out of reach at present.
In other news, a new report on the state of carbon markets in Africa has been authored by Trishant Dev of CSE’s Climate Change Programme. In 2024, one-fifths of projects listed in top carbon market registries were from Africa. The report provides an overview of the emerging carbon market in the continent.
Finally, the Young Environmentalist initiative by Down to Earth and Gobar Times is organizing an online quiz on air pollution, ‘Hawa Hawai 3.0,’ for children studying in classes 6 -10. The final date for registration is 23rd September. And for young readers, the latest edition of Gobar Times takes a journey through the seasons, and provides helpful tips on composting along the way.
By - Sehr Raheja Climate Change, CSE
August 2024 saw 30% more days with extreme rainfall than same period last year, 12 September 2024