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November 15 - November 21, 2024
A weekly digest on impacts, politics and science of the climate emergency; from the Global South perspective. Access our extensive coverage on climate. You can find this newsletter in the web here.
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Welcome to the Climate Weekly newsletter by the Centre for Science and Environment’s Climate Change programme and Down to Earth.

During the second week of COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, negotiations between developed and developing countries on the New Collective Quantified Goal on climate finance (or NCQG) progressed at a slow pace. Through the week, Parties engaged in ministerial dialogues to iron out a draft decision text that represents the views of all Parties in line with the principles of equity and climate justice.

In particular, discussions on the quantum of finance were heavily contested. To make a strong case, Global South countries’ representatives held a pivotal press conference demanding that a quantum of US $1.3 trillion must be provided by developed countries to developing countries under the NCQG. Developed nations, in contrast, continued to shirk away from discussions about the quantum, claiming that other aspects of the goal need to be finalised before a figure can be quoted. Further discussions on the structure and quality of the NCQG remained in contention as well.

In other updates from COP29, the new draft text on carbon markets under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement (which allows countries to voluntarily engage in carbon markets) was released on November 21. Experts flagged the new draft as being potentially dangerous with serious concerns around transparency, integrity, oversight and accountability.

Furthermore, latest text on the Global Goal on Adaptation brought forth serious contestations between developed and developing countries on the inclusion of means of implementation (finance, technology transfer and capacity building) in the text. Developing countries had asked for a US$ 400 billion at COP28—something that developed countries continued to oppose, claiming that adaptation finance would be discussed under the NCQG. The adaptation finance gap currently stands at US$ 187-US$ 359 billion.

The COP29 Presidency also introduced three flagship pledges to build on COP28’s commitment to triple global renewable energy capacity by 2030 and expand clean hydrogen production. These include the Global Energy Storage and Grids Pledge, Hydrogen Declaration and the Green Energy Zones and Corridors Pledge. The pledges were backed by Sweden, Uruguay, UAE and Brazil, as well as multilateral development banks, Global Renewable Alliance and Green Climate Fund. It remains to be seen whether the pledges can be incorporated into national policy targets.
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By - Upamanyu Das
Climate Change, CSE
Climate change caused worst forest fires in Europe, the Middle East and Africa in 23 years, 21 November 2024
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Trump 2.0 is not a fluke, 19 November 2024
The world should not be surprised by Donald Trump’s actions as president of the US. Instead, it must move ahead to take steps to combat climate change
Discredited again, 19 November 2024
A multi-million dollar fraud hits carbon offset industry, raising fundamental concerns about accounting practices of the transactions
COP29 emphasises increasing ambition on energy efficiency, 20 November 2024
Key interventions suggested at Baku include integrating energy efficiency into national policies and NDCs, robust enforcement mechanisms and alignment with international goals
COP29: What is the ‘3-pledge’ approach to promote tripling of global RE capacities and hydrogen expansion by 2030 all about?, 20 November 2024
The three pledges are unique as their focus is on expanding RE storage, augmenting hydrogen capacity and developing new green energy corridors
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Adaptation awaits finance at COP29, 21 November 2024
Major contestation in GGA text regarding inclusion of language around the means of implementation, including finances, technology transfer and capacity building from developed to developing countries
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COP29: New text on carbon market under Article 6.2 has major issues; experts flag lack of transparency, accountability, 21 November 2024
The COP29 Presidency identified the full operationalisation of Article 6 as a key negotiating priority this year
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COP29 Diary (November 14, 2024): Negotiators agree to discuss select elements of NCQG, 15 November 2024
EU expresses concern over spirit of negotiations
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COP29 Diary (November 20, 2024): No quantum quoted in new draft text on NCQG yet, 21 November 2024
Countries united against expanding donor base for NCQG
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Only 3.5 per cent of global climate finance reaches urban poor: Report, 21 November 2024
Paper presented at COP29 shows major funding gap for low-income communities disproportionately affected by climate change
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“Is it a joke?”: Developing countries slam rumoured proposal for $200-300 billion in new climate finance from developed countries, 21 November 2024
At a joint press conference in Baku, leaders of developing country blocs reiterated their demand for $1.3 trillion in annual climate finance flows, as talks heat up in COP29
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Negotiating item that caused agenda fight at COP29 continues to draw divergent views, 20 November 2024
Divergence in views largely about mandate of United Arab Emirates dialogue on implementing global stocktake outcomes
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COP29: Central Asian & Caucasian countries call for climate justice and protection of indigenous rights, 20 November 2024
Armenia, Russia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan underline alarming impact of fires and deforestation on local ecosystems and biodiversity
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COP29 Diary (November 19, 2024): New text on NCQG could have structured options, 20 November 2024
Economic and non-economic losses and damages due to extreme weather events in South Asia, paucity of research on non-economic losses highlighted at side event
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41.6 billion tonnes more carbon pumped into atmosphere this year: Report, 20 November 2024
Last year, the figure was 40.6 billion tonnes
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Over 30 countries endorse COP29 Declaration on Reducing Methane from Organic Waste, 19 November 2024
Need for action upstream to avoid, divert and revalorise methane emissions in case of wastes, Martina Otto tells DTE
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CSE-DTE at COP29: IPCC to estimate carbon removal technologies in special report by 2027, 19 November 2024
Focus shifts to new technologies and methodologies for climate change mitigation
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COP29 Diary (November 18, 2024): New iteration of the draft negotiating text on NCQG out tomorrow, 19 November 2024
Adaptation Committee launches its 2024 report and portal to track adaptation action
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COP29 Diary (November 16, 2024): Countries express disappointment about slow progress of talks on NCQG, Mitigation Work Programme, 18 November 2024
United States and Ukraine announce three nuclear energy-enabled industrial decarbonisation projects in embattled country
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CSE-DTE at COP29: US makes contentious proposal to ‘avoid frequent substantive revisions’ on rules for carbon markets, 18 November 2024
Proposal comes only a week after COP29 President Mukhtar Babayev announced countries reaching a consensus on the rules governing Article 6.4
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Adaptation Fund has received hardly one-sixth of COP29 target so far, Glasgow Climate Pact goal year likely to be pushed back: Mikko Ollikainen, 17 November 2024
Development ‘cruel joke’ for vulnerable communities, particularly in Asia and Africa, say experts
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COP29 Diary (November 15, 2024): New draft text on NCQG released, 16 November 2024
Global Matchmaking Platform for Industrial Decarbonisation launched as support mechanism to fast-track decarbonisation of heavy emitting industries
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CSE-DTE at COP29: All you need to know about the progress on Article 6 at the end of week 1, 15 November 2024
We discuss what is on the agenda for carbon markets discussions at COP after the controversial developments on the first day
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CSE-DTE at COP29: Climate finance talks kick off at full throttle but slow down; toughest issues pushed to week 2, 15 November 2024
A comprehensive draft text for the NCQG emerged in week one — but no progress on major issues like quantum, structure, contributor base
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This Weekly Newsletter is published by Down to Earth and the Centre for Science and Environment, a Delhi-based global think tank advocating on global south developmment issues.
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