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December 13 - December 19, 2024
A weekly digest on impacts, politics and science of the climate emergency; from the Global South perspective. Access our extensive coverage on climate. You can find this newsletter in the web here.
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Welcome to the Climate Weekly newsletter by the Centre for Science and Environment’s Climate Change programme and Down to Earth.

With countries set to announce their updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) by February 2025, Canada has shared its headline NDC target with a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 45-50 per cent by 2035, compared to its 2005 levels. This amounts to absolute emissions in the range of 380.5-418.5 megatonnes carbon dioxide-equivalent (MtCO2eq) in 2035.

CSE Climate’s Trishant Dev and Rudrath Avinashi analyse the overall target, pointing out how Canada remains one of the world’s biggest historical polluters, being responsible for 1.96 per cent of total CO2 emissions since 1870. The country’s per capita emissions is three times the world average. Furthermore, Canada ranked fourth and fifth among the largest oil and natural gas producers, respectively, in 2023. The country continues to invest heavily in oil and gas, and is on track to become the second-largest oil and gas producer by 2050. Analysis by Climate Action Network suggests that Canada’s emissions should be reduced by 80 per cent by 2035 compared to its 2005 levels, in line with the country’s fair share towards a 1.5°C global mitigation target.

In climate finance news, a report by the Climate Policy Initiative has highlighted that India will need to triple its green investments to meet its climate goals. According to the report, India’s mitigation sector attracted Rs 371,200 crore in 2021-22, a 20 per cent increase from 2019-20. Adaptation investments witnessed nearly a three-fold increase over the same period, reaching Rs 109,20 crore in 2021-22. Around 83 per cent of mitigation finance was sourced domestically, largely from private sources. International finance for mitigation also witnessed an increase from 15 per cent in 2019-20 to 17 per cent in 2021-22. Clean energy, energy efficiency and clean transportation dominated mitigation finance investments. However, adaptation finance was primarily sourced from domestic public funds, accounting for 98 per cent of adaptation finance in 2021-22. The Indian government estimates that an annual investment of Rs 1,100,000 crore will be needed to achieve the country’s NDC.

Lastly, a new report by the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has warned about irreversible losses to biodiversity caused by climate change. It talks about the climate crisis’ increasing impacts on water resources, marine ecosystems and food productivity, alongside increased risk of mortality from heatwaves, droughts, floods, wildfires, pollutants and pathogens. Over the past 50 years, climate- and water-related events have caused 2 million human deaths, 90 per cent of which were reported from low- and lower-middle income countries. The report highlights how functioning and resilient ecosystems will be crucial for responding to climate change.
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By - Upamanyu Das
Climate Change, CSE
More than 1,300 Hajj pilgrims died this year when humidity and heat pushed past survivable limits. It’s just the start, 19 December 2024
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Heatwaves and bushfires can be a dangerous mix for the electricity grid. Here’s how to shore up your supplies this summer, 20 December 2024
Increasing temperatures puts a strain on supplies, while bushfire smoke can limit the electricity produced by solar panels
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Pakistan and India must join hands for climate and pollution talks, says its environment head, 19 December 2024
Cites stakes for millions, including children; experts of both countries urge regional cooperation but Indian government yet to respond
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Water at heart of climate solutions: World Bank report outlines policy priorities & steps to address finance gaps, 19 December 2024
Many countries have expressed interest in becoming producers, users and exporters of green energy, for which they need adequate, reliable access to water
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Current climate change trends push biodiversity to irreversible loss: IPBES Nexus Report, 17 December 2024
Intensifying climate change will stress water resources, impact food productivity, exacerbate droughts and flooding and increase mortality from heat waves
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Climate change is altering Himalayan tree landscape — drought-resistant fir trees are replacing birch, 17 December 2024
Research finds fir climbing faster than birch, leading to resource competition between the two species
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Canada sets modest NDC target: 45-50% emissions cut by 2035, while fossil fuel production continues, 17 December 2024
Use of carbon markets to meet NDCs expected to be part of discussions as Canada lays out climate targets for coming decade
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Review of studies shows Indus Valley, other ancient societies in South Asia were able to develop resilience to climate change, 16 December 2024
Diverse cropping, water management and urban planning developed by Harappan people were examples of ancient climate resilience
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India needs to triple green investments for meeting climate targets: Report, 13 December 2024
Investment needed even as financing for mitigation and adaptation sectors witnessed growth
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This Weekly Newsletter is published by Down to Earth and the Centre for Science and Environment, a Delhi-based global think tank advocating on global south developmment issues.
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