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This was the third e-learning course delivered by CSE under the aegis of School of Water and Waste on faecal sludge management in collaboration with IHE Delft Institute of Water Education, Netherlands. It compiles the current state of knowledge of this rapidly evolving field and presents an integrated approach that includes technology, management and planning. The course was attended by twenty-four participants from diverse backgrounds and organisations.
To know more about the course, please visit: https://www.cseindia.org/fsm/onlinecourse.html
Get information on previously held FSM courses here:
Feedback from participants
Generally, I liked the course though I struggled with all the (bio)chemistry, since it was 30 years that I last studied this. The structure of the course is well done. I also liked the way the course materials were presented and its variety of media: text book chapters, videos, case studies, extra materials. Certainly, I will use some of it as reference in my work. Finally, I thank you and your colleagues for having facilitated this course.
This course is very much informative and interesting. Especially, each part of the course has different real time case study and audio visuals which makes this course very helpful for participants. This is such a wonderful course that, even a person who doesn’t know anything about FSM can understand it after completion of this course. The idea of completing FSM compendium was really awesome and the related extra study materials were really helpful for advance students. Thanks a lot to FSM team, course coordinators and specially Bhitush Luthra for his wonderful coordination and painstaking efforts to make this course successful.
This was my first online course ever. I never had thought that such online courses can be that much interesting. FSM is quite new, especially in developing countries. For providing education in this sector, I really appreciate CSE and the water team. This course is enlightening and has enough study material to read. Personally, I really liked all the quizzes& case studies. This course is a kind of complete package for the beginners & even for those who are already working in this sector. Overall, I enjoyed the whole learning.
Course Director
Dr Suresh Kumar Rohilla
Course Coordinators
Bhitush Luthra
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