Online training on Thermal Comfort and Self-built Housing

The Habitat team conducted an online training titled 'Enabling Thermal Comfort in Self-built Housing' on February 3-4, 2022. The programme received 187 registrations and comprised largely of architects, planners, educators and independent researchers from India.

In the kick-off session, +Rajneesh Sareen gave the participants an overview of how green recovery is possible by focussing on thermal comfort in self-built housing in a post-pandemic scenario. This not only includes providing climate-appropriate housing for all but also involves green skilling and livelihoods related to the same.

+Mitashi Singh introduced CSE investigation on self-built housing including a mapping of materials that are used in housing schemes and the materials that are dominant in Odisha and West Bengal in self-constructed housing. Results of interviews with experts on native materials and their locations in Odisha and West Bengal and a public survey were also presented. These interactions helped CSE in building understanding on the presence, consumer demand and willingness to pay for native sustainable materials among others.

Day 1 was concluded with questions and interaction with participants to strengthen CSE's ongoing research on self-built housing.

On Day 2, +Sugeet Grover introduced participants to the role of 'thermal comfort' in achieving national targets such as India cooling action plan and the repercussions on energy usage and occupant health. Factors that play a part in achieving thermal comfort specially the choice of building envelope was discussed. The session also discussed future steps in CSE's journey to create a knowledge repository of climate appropriate building materials.

The training concluded with a Q&A session and discussion on the theme. Many of the participants have signed up to contribute to CSE's ongoing research by bringing their insight.
