Online Training on Understanding Environmental Laws for Better Environmental Management

The Water Act, 1974, the Air Act, 1981 and Environment Protection Act, 1986 enacted in order to prevent and control damages to the environment. In today's scenario, there is a dire need of a strong environmental regulatory framework. India does have a comprehensive system of regulations to protect its natural environment and the health of its people. Government in the last few decades has shown keen interest in protecting and promoting the environment and consequently enacted various Environmental Laws. The understanding of different environmental laws is important in preventing environmental damage and ensuring effective management of the environment and its multiple ecosystems.

There also seems to be a gap between the available regulations or laws and the basic enactment or application of the laws into the real time scenarios. To address this gap, the Centre for Science and Environment is organizing a 13 days online training course on “Understanding Environmental law for improving environmental management”.

This comprehensive online training will cover the relevant issues, recent advancements and significance of environmental laws.

Mode of training

The course is designed in a manner to help the participants in attending this course along with their regular work and study the course material at their own convenience. Recorded sessions will be uploaded on the training platform for the participants to study. Live online sessions will be organized with experts for Q& A and further discussions.

Learning from the Programme 

  • Understanding of the environmental governance structure of the country, major institutions and their implementation statistics
  • Learning about laws and rules waste management,
    • Environmental Protection Act
    • Air act
    • Water Act
    • Solid Waste and Plastic waste Management rules
    • Hazardous Waste Management rules
    • E-waste management rules
  • Overview of the obligations of industry and individuals under various environmental laws and regulations and how to meet these obligations;
  • Role of National Green Tribunal (NGT), environmental courts and public interest litigation (PIL)
  • Understanding of international treaties and agreements Government of India subscribes to the impact of noncompliance with such agreements on business.

Course coordinator

Programme Manager
Industrial Pollution Unit, CSE
Mobile: +91 9711049558



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Who can apply?
  • Industry professionals; Environment
    Consultants; Environment Engineers
  • Researchers and academicians
  • Students aspiring to work in environment field
Course fees
INR 2500 for Indian participants
US$ 50 per participant for foreign nationals
Course Dates
July 23-August 4, 2024
Participants will be awarded with a “Certificate of Completion” on scoring 50% marks in the quiz