CSE PSU team facilitated the lab team in the sample collection

In an effort for Mainstreaming FSSM in U.P., the state has recently completed a 32 KLD FSTP in Unaoand discharging of Faecal Sludge at the MPS in Gwari that pumps it to STP in Bharwara, Lucknow. The FSTP in Unnao is semi-mechanized and undergoes tertiary treatment for achieving NGT discharge standards whereas the Lucknow initiative is a Co-Treatment of FS at Bharwara STP which receive regular load from non-sewered areas of the city. Both the initiatives has the potential for scaling- up across the Ganga Basin and country. PSU team had requested the lab to undertake testing of both initiatives to ascertain the effectiveness of the treatment, as a learning for other cities and states looking to undertake such initiatives. CSE-PSU team facilitated the lab team - Mr. Mrinal, Mr. Vinay and Mr.Vinod in the sample collection from these facilities on20th and 21st November and 24th December 2019 as a part of 6 month study.

