Between land and water lies a quintessential zone of wetlands. Acting as sponges during surging monsoons and blissful oasis during scorching summers, these marshlands are integral to our climate and our Earth. An abode of exotic plants, birds and animals, they thrive and flourish with biodiversity.

Our greed is throttling these water bodies. Across the country, there are numerous stories of urban wetlands disappearing because of encroachment, environmental degradation and climate change. As summers hit their peak and the usual scramble for water begins in many parts of the country, join Sushmita Sengupta on an exploratory tour. What’s more, come prepared with any cases that you know of wetlands in your village/town/city – we would love to hear from some of you as well!

Please note: This is an online YE MasterClass for building knowledge and awareness. CSE will not provide any certificate for attendance.

If you have any questions, please write to us at: young@downtoearth.org.in




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