Our country is in the throes of rapid industrialisation, which is often accompanied with massive environmental and social burdens, principally borne by communities living in the vicinity of project sites. Monitoring tools like Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), therefore, assume great significance in ensuring sound economic development without compromising on environmental and social costs.
It is said that everyone from the Prime Minister downwards, is concerned with the process of environmental clearances:
Online roundtable conference: Harmonizing EIA process in Asia and Africa
Date: September 22 - 24, 2021
Opening speech of Sunita Narain at Global Conference on Coal
Sunita Narain talks about India's energy security and coal consumption at the International Conference on Coal Based Power called Confronting Environmental Challenges, organised by the Centre for Science and Environment between March 17-19 in Delhi India.
A year-end roundup of the coolest cover stories—from green wins to eco worries, all in just one power-packed edition!