CSE has been working on rural water and sanitation issues for over two decades, with its focus on the need for sustainable management of water and wastewater. As part of this work, we have spearheaded research projects, documented case studies, produced a wide range of publications, reports and manuals, and undertaken model projects and training programmes. This work has resulted in some of CSE’s most influential and widely appreciated publications, among them Dying Wisdom: The Rise, Fall and Potential of Traditional Water Harvesting Systems, a monumental study that catalysed political leaders, judiciary, the media and other decision-makers into start thinking about rainwater harvesting, and Making Water Everybody’s Business, a treatise on the theory and practice of rainwater harvesting targeted at planners and policy-makers. In 1998,
MORE +CSE's focused work on safe and improved sanitation has made the district administration of Alwar in Rajasthan take note – it has approached CSE to help develop a plan of action to undertake safe sanitation practices in 10 government schools in Baghor Gram Panchayat.