About SWW

CSE's four decades of extensive research work in the water, sanitation and allied sectors and continuous interactions with local and global professionals has helped identify a substantial gap in knowledge and skill building across the country at various levels of operation. Capacity building is essential to facilitate an integrated approach to urban water and sanitation management. Thus, the School of Water and Waste was set up as part of the Anil Agarwal Environment Training Institute. At our state-of-art campus in Neemli, the School offers an interdisciplinary, double loop and cross-country learning tailored to the ground reality of the major problems of the Water Supply and Sanitation sector in the urban landscape.


The SWW envisions to create a water wise and waste prudent society. It is an emerging research and knowledge dissemination hub in India and the global South working towards creating a cadre of water and sanitation professionals. This community of practice will take CSE’s efforts forward by developing implementable solutions.

Thematic Areas

Urban Water Management and Advocacy
Water Sensitive Urban Design and Planning
Urban Wetland Management
Faecal Sludge and Septage Management
Sanitation Safety Planning

Alumni Database


Year 2024      

Jane 25, 2024
Inequity and Climate Change

January 16, 2024
Reviving our Lakes
Year 2023      
October 16, 2023
Webinar on Groundwater Management for Climate Resilient River Cities
Year 2022      
December 06, 2022
Webinar on Used Water Management for India - Challenges & Opportunities
November 15, 2022
Prof Dr Jack Sim (Founder, World Toilet Organisation), in conversation with Depinder Kapur (Director Water Program, Centre for Science and Environment)
October 28, 2022
Webinar on Contextualising Urban Waterbodies Management in India: Approach, Priorities and Planning Mechanisms
September 6, 2022
Webinar on Urban Groundwater : ‘Sustainability, Recharge and Quality Challenges
August 25, 2022
Towards Water Sensitive Cities for Climate Resilience - Experience of Approach and Practices in India
Year 2021      
October 21, 2021
Webinar on Decentralised Nature Based Wastewater Treatment Solutions for Improved River Health
August 4, 2021
Groundwater and Riverine System: Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions for Rapidly Urbanizing Ganga Basin
July 27, 2021
Launch Event cum Webinar: Making Ganga Basin Cities Water Sensitive
July 23, 2021
Webinar: Understanding the Septage Desludging Models: What works and What doesn’t work?
March 5, 2021
Sustainable Urban Water Management – Challenges and Opportunities in mainstreaming Climate Adaptation
Year 2020      
December 17 – 18, 2020
Online International Knowledge Conclave on Green Infrastructure
November 25, 2019
Two-part Webinar Series on 'Towards Water Sensitive Cities - Experience of Approach and Practices in Australia and India'
August 13, 2020
Webinar 13: Decentralized Wastewater Treatment and Local Reuse for Citywide Sanitation and Improved River Health
July 22, 2020
Webinar 12: Mainstreaming Faecal Sludge and Septage Management in Ganga Basin
July 14, 2020
Webinar 11: Water Sensitive Urban Design and Planning (WSUDP) in South Africa
July 7, 2020
Webinar 10: Safe Water, Sanitation and Health for all during and post COVID-19
May 27, 2020
Webinar 9: Dialogue cum Consultation Workshop on ‘Water Sensitive Urban Design & Planning: Mainstreaming Rainwater Harvesting in town and cities of Odisha’
May 12, 2020
Webinar 8: Going Digital in
Stormwater Management: Towards Water Sensitive Cities
April 30, 2020
Webinar 7: Mainstreaming SFD into practice in Africa
April 8, 2020
Webinar 6: Dialogue on the need
for mainstreaming non-sewered sanitation solutions
– lessons from COVID -19 response
April 7, 2020
Webinar 5: Treating Faecal Sludge in India
Year 2019-18      
July 04, 2019
Webinar 4: Blue Spaces in Cities:
Realising their Value as a Public
Health Resource
November 13, 2019
Webinar 3: WHO Guidelines on Sanitation and Health
September 28, 2018
Webinar 2: Various Applications of SFD
September 14, 2018
Webinar 1: Different Variations of SFD
Alumni Stories
Alumni Feedbacks
Online Course on
Basics of Decentralized Wastewater
Treatment and Local Reuse (1st - 26th June 2020)
Online Course on
Basics of Decentralized Wastewater
Treatment and Local Reuse (1st - 26th June 2020)
Training Programme on
Faecal Sludge and Decentralised
Wastewater Management, Dec. 17-20, 2019
Training Programme on
Citywide Inclusive Sanitation
(CWIS), Dec. 10-12, 2019
Ms. Subha Muthu Kumar, Senior Consultant,
Indian Institute for Human
Settlements (IIHS),
Mr. Anant Mitra
M.Sc. Student, ETH Zurich
Dr. Ajit Salvi, Municipal Corporation,
Greater Mumbai
Mr. Khandaker Ahsan Rakib
Practical Action Bangladesh
Training Programme on
Citywide Inclusive Sanitation
(CWIS), Dec. 10-12, 2019
Training Programme on
Mainstreaming Water-Energy Nexus
in Wake of Climate Change,
Nov. 26-29, 2019
Mainstreaming Water-Energy Nexus in
Wake of Climate Change,
Nove. 26-29, 2019
CSE-WHO Training Programme on
Sanitation Safety Planning, Sept. 03-06, 2019
Mr. Kazi Al Amin, Coordinator
Practical Action Bangladesh
Mr. R Rajkumar, Assistant Engineer
Mr. Ashish Dutta, Assistant Engineer (AE) PHED Mr. Charles A Muhamba, BORDA Tanzania
CSE-WHO Training Programme on
Sanitation Safety Planning, Sept. 03-06, 2019
Advanced Training on Planning and Designing for Treatment of Faecal
Sludge & Septage, July 22-27, 2019
Advanced Training on Planning and Designing for Treatment of Faecal Sludge
& Septage, July 22-27, 2019
Advanced Training Programme on
Urban Lake Management,
Feb. 19 – 22, 2019
Mr. Narendra Kumar Gupta, Assistant Engineer Karauli – Rajasthan Dr. Hema Patel, Project Officer NMCG Mr. Rohit Chaurasia, AE, UPJN, Jhansi Mr. Ramesh Madav, Chairman
Terracon Ecotech Pvt Ltd
Previous Events
Residential Trainings
2020 to 2024
CSE-WHO Training of Trainers (TOT) on Climate Resilient Sanitation Safety Planning      
Managing Water and Wastewater in Rural Regions of India Operation and Maintenance of Faecal Sludge Treatment and Co-Treatment Plants Decentralised Wastewater Treatment and Local Reuse Reuse of Treated Wastewater and Biosolids
Reuse of Treated Wastewater and Biosolids Residential training on Rainwater Harvesting and Stormwater Management for Climate Resilient River Cities “Affordable technologies to monitor the drinking water quality” Under JalJeeven Mission Residential Training “Rejuvenating Our Lakes”
Planning and Designing of Groundwater recharge, and rainwater harvesting systems using advanced tools with a specific focus on drinking water source sustainability” CSE - NMCG Online Training on Urban Waterbodies Management: Issues, Challenges & Potential of Making Water Sensitive Cities Advanced Residential Training Programme on Urban Groundwater Management  
CSE Water Team Training of Trainers Workshop Training cum Workshop on ‘Action Plans for Making Cities River- and Water-Sensitive’ Advanced Residential Training Programme on Water Sensitive Urban Design and Planning (WSUDP) - Rainwater Harvesting at different scales Advanced Residential Training Programme on Urban Waterbodies Rejuvenation and Management
Online Training on
Urban Waterbodies Management:
Issues, Challenges & Potential
of Making Water Sensitive Cities
Advanced Residential Training Programme on
Decentralised Wastewater
Management and Local Reuse
Advanced Training Programme
on Decentralized Wastewater,
Faecal Sludge and
Septage Management
Advanced Residential
Training Programme on Water
Sensitive Urban Design and
Planning (WSUDP) - Rainwater Harvesting
at different scales
Online Trainings & Workshops
2020 to 2024
Integrated Wastewater and Septage Management for Officials of Ethiopia      
Online Training on 'Urban Groundwater Management' - Issues, Challenges, Approach, & Potential Online Training on 'Urban Groundwater Management' - Issues, Challenges, Approach, & Potential National Consultation on Water, Waste water and Sanitation Priorities and Learning Collaterals Online Training on Water Sensitive Urban Design & Planning - Approach, Challenges & Potential
Pan-Asia Capacity Building Roundtable cum Workshop on ‘Water – Wastewater and Sanitation Sensitive Planning for Climate Change Resilience Building in South Asian Cities’ Pan-Africa Roundtable cum Workshop on ‘Water – Wastewater and Sanitation Sensitive Planning for Climate Change Resilience Building in African Cities’ International Virtual Training Programme on ‘City-wide Water and Climate Resilience through Water Sensitive Urban Design and Planning’ Online Training on Decentralised
Wastewater Treatment and Local
Reuse - Issues Challenges & Potential
CSE-WRC Online Training
of Trainers (ToT) on
Preparation of Shit
Flow Diagram (SFD)
Online Training on Water
Sensitive Urban Design & Planning
- Approach, Challenges
& Potential
2nd Online Impact Workshop
cum Master Class on Capacity building
initiative for Citywide Water
and Sanitation Management
Planning cum Consultation
Workshop for CSE - NMCG initiative
on 'Making Water Sensitive
Cities in Ganga Basin'
Online Training on Water
Sensitive Urban
Design and Planning
Online Training on
preparation of Shit Flow Diagram
(SFD): Part A and B
Online Training Programme on
GIS and Remote Sensing for
Designing & Implementing Green
Online Training on Tools and
Approaches for Water and Sanitation
Residential Trainings
Advanced Training Programme on
Decentralized Wastewater,
Faecal Sludge and Septage
Training Programme on:
'Green Infrastructure - Effective measures
to manage urban flooding
and water supply'
Training Programme:
Planning and Designing of
Rainwater Harvesting Systems
AMRUT Capsule III: Training Programme
on Integrated Wastewater
and Faecal Sludge Management
for Municipal Functionaries of
Uttar Pradesh
AMRUT Capsule II: Training
Programmeon Integrated
Wastewater and Faecal
Sludge Management
Faecal Sludge and
Decentralised Wastewater
Citywide Inclusive Sanitation
Mainstreaming Water-Energy
Nexus in Wake of Climate Change
Water Woes: Understanding
urban water management
and sustainability
Urban Lake Management AMRUT: Integrated Orientation Training
Programme for Municipal
Functionaries of Delhi
CSE-WHO Training
Programme on Sanitation
Safety Planning
CSE-CRCWSC Training Programme
on Water Sensitive Urban
Design and Planning
Advanced Training on Planning
and Designing for Treatment
of Faecal Sludge Septage
Training Programme on
Water Speaks: Effective
communication for advocacy
influence and impact
SFD WEEK - April 2 to 5, 2019 Tools and Approaches
for Citywide ater and
Sanitation Management
Tools and Approaches for Citywide
Water and Sanitation Management
CSE-WHO Training Programme on
Sanitation Safety Planning
Advanced Training Programme on Urban
Lake Management
Training programme on Urban Wetlands
Training on Water Sensitive
Urban Design and Planning
(WSUDP) at Building and
Neighborhood Scale
International Training on Tools
and Approaches for Citywide
Water and Sanitation
International Training on Tools
and Approaches for Citywide
Water and Sanitation
Training on Preparation
of Shit Flow Diagrams (SFDs)
Training on Nature-based Solutions
for Water and Waste Management
Training Programme on Effective
Faecal sludge and Septage Management
for Mainstreaming Citywide Sanitation
Knowledge conclave cum workshop
on Nature Based Solutions
(NBS) for Water Security
CSE-NMCG Capacity Building Initiative (SWW Team)
Programme Director
Water Programme
Senior Programme Manager
Water Programme
Programme Manager
Water Programme
Deputy Programme Manager
Water Programme
Deputy Programme Manager
Water Programme
Deputy Programme Manager
Water Programme
Deputy Programme Manager
Water Programme
Programme officer
Water Programme
Programme officer
Water Programme
Senior Research Associate
Water Programme
CSE Water Program Team based in UP
Senior Programme Manager
Water Programme
Deputy Programme Manager
Water Programme
Programme  Officer
Water Programme
Deputy Programme Manager
Water Programme
Programme  Officer
Water Programme
Programme officer
Water Programme
Capacity Building & Action Research: External Trainers

Contact the SSW

For any queries please write to us at sww-aaeti@cseindia.org

Anil Agarwal Environment Training Institute
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