CSE welcomes draft Renewable Energy Act but would like gaps to be addressed
CSE endorses Act which says local communities should share benefit from RE
CSE endorses Act which says local communities should share benefit from RE
• New Delhi based Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) discussed the role mini-grid has to play to eradicate energy poverty in the country, at a workshop on ‘“Sustainable Mini-Grid for Energy Access” in Patna
New Delhi-based think-tank Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) discussed the role mini-grids have to play to eradicate energy poverty in the country and proposed a model to ensure at least 12 hours of electricity to every household per day at a workshop on “Sustainable Mini-Grid for Energy Access” in Delhi
New Delhi based think-tank Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) discussed the role mini-grids have to play to eradicate energy poverty in the country and proposed a model to ensure at least 12 hours of electricity to every household per day at a workshop on “Sustainable Mini-Grid for Energy Access” in Pune
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) and Gujarat Energy Research and Management Institute (GERMI) organized a conference on ‘The Future of Solar Energy in India’ to discuss the critical issues clouding over solar energy development in the country
The sector needs proper environmental regulations Small hydro power plants (with capacity less than 25 megawatt) have grown at a rapid pace across India. In the last seven years, one plant coming up every week
A Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) conference on ‘Green Norms for Wind Energy’ discusses the environmental fallouts of wind power development, especially in forest areas in the country
India needs better green energy norms to offset these impacts
US charges that India’s National Solar Mission is discriminating against foreign solar companies