Muzaffarpur Nagar Nigam embarks on a mission to turn Muzaffarpur into a smart, clean city
With help from New Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment, launches initiative for source segregation of waste in 14 wards
With help from New Delhi-based Centre for Science and Environment, launches initiative for source segregation of waste in 14 wards
‘SWACHHTA SWASTHYA SAMRIDHI’ – a workshop on management of solid waste and sanitation in Muzaffarpur - sees participation by all key municipal functionaries and political leaders of the city
Not in my Backyard, book on solid waste management by Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) is one of the first of its kind attempts in India to understand the state of solid waste management in the country, the numbers behind it, the gaps that exist and the path towards harnessing the opportunities
Centre for Science and Environment’s (CSE) book on solid waste management, Not in my Backyard, is one of the first of its kind attempts in India to understand the state of solid waste management in the country, the numbers behind it, the gaps that exist and the path towards harnessing the opportunities
Moradabad gets 50 per cent of all PCBs used in India, and 90 tonnes of e-waste everyday