Environment is not impeding growth': CSE responds to industry leaders' open letter

New Delhi, October 13, 2011: Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) has expressed its strong disagreement with some of the contents of an ‘open letter to leaders’, written recently by India’s top industrialists. In a response to the open letter, CSE’s director general Sunita Narain has refuted the industry leaders’ contention that environmental clearances are delaying projects and hampering growth.

CSE surveys noise pollution in Delhi

CSE does noise level survey, finds many areas in Delhi crossing the norms Centre for Science and Environment’s (CSE) Pollution Monitoring Lab tracks noise levels in Delhi and finds them to be very high in some places  Constant exposure to noise can have serious health implications, ranging from deafness to heart conditions to sleep disorders

CSE slams petrol price hikes, calls for similar hikes on diesel prices

CSE slams hike in petrol prices. Says it should not be done without narrowing the price gap with diesel. Calls it “mindless” It is leading to gross misuse of the poor persons’ fuel by rich car owners, massive revenue losses for the government, and serious damage to public health Government should ban use of diesel in cars, increase price of diesel and tax on diesel cars

A Global Ban for Endosulfan

India changes its position on endosulfan at the Stockholm Convention It softens its stand and agrees that endosulfan is a health hazard. It agrees to a ban on the pesticide.