Rain centre at Sayla (Gujarat)

The Sayla Rain centre is located in Surendra Nagar, a drought prone district of North Gujarat. Scanty and uncertain rainfall make livelihood difficult for local people including agricultural activities. Even availability of drinking water remains a major issue for people. The rain center houses information in the form of panels, working models, artificial rainfall, water quality testing laboratory. It is actually a rural knowledge resource center on rainwater harvesting and water management and provides information on how rainfall can be harvested in semi arid condition. It also provides training to the local people and outsiders both Government and Non Government staff on similar issues. The centre helps local peoples to articulate traditional wisdom and outside world knowledge to solve the water crisis in the region.

Photo feature


Raincentre at Sayla, Gujarat
Aga Khan Rural Support Programme
Opposite Shree Raj Shobhag Ashram
Sayla –363430
District - Surendranagar
Gujarat India
Phone-91-2755-280668, 280631
Gohabhai L Faga
Email: g_faga@yahoo.co.in, akrsps_ad1@sancharnet.in

Raincentre at Chennai

No: 4, 3rd Trust Link Street

(Off Santhome Road)

Mandavelipakkam, Chennai - 60028

Phone: 044-24616134

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