A long-term Action Plan for Delhi

August 02, 2017

The Hon’ble Delhi High Court vide its order dated 28.06.2017 in case Gauri Grover v. Government of NCT of Delhi, W.P. (C) 8917/2015, constituted a Committee under the Chairmanship of Member Secretary, Delhi State Legal Services Authority (‘DSLSA’) to formulate and implement long term action plan regarding collection, removal and disposal of all waste in Delhi.

Pursuant to the said direction, meetings of the Committee were held at the Office of DSLSA. It is humbly submitted that to deal with the aspect of solid waste management (‘SWM’), the Central Government has made the Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016. These rules have dealt with the issue of solid waste management comprehensively. The rules inter-alia provide for several measures to manage the solid waste and procedures to be followed for collection, removal and disposal of solid waste.

The Hon'ble National Green Tribunal has also dealt with the issue of solid waste management in Kudrat Sandhu v. Govt. of NCT & Ors., OA No. 281/2016 and Mrs. Almitra H. Patel and Union of India & Ors., OA No. 199/2014 and passed elaborate directions to the concerned agencies dealing with the issue vide order dated 02.12.2016 and 22.12.2016 (corrected order dated 02.01.2017) respectively [Excerpts of the directions have been placed at Annxure 'A' and Annxure 'B'].

The tribunal has observed in its order dated 22.12.2016 that 'with the framing of the Rules all that remains to be done is an effective enforcement of the said Rules and possible upgradation of technology wherever necessary. Enforcement of the Rules and efforts to upgrade the technology relevant to the handling of solid municipal waste is a perennial challenge and would require constant efforts and monitoring with a view to making the municipal authorities concerned accountable, taking note of dereliction, if any, issuing suitable directions consistent with the said Rules and direction incidental to the purpose underlying the Rules such as upgradation of technology wherever possible'.

This committee has discussed the existing system prevailing for collection, removal and disposal of solid waste in Delhi. It has flagged the major challenges concerning waste management and suggested measures for improvement in segregation, collection, removal and disposal of solid waste.


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