The world stands at a critical crossroadstoday. Unprecedented shifts in its climate system has meant more frequent and intense incidences of extreme weather, leading to enormous losses; large-scale climate-induced migration; and massive ecological disruptions. This challenge transcends geographical boundaries and is now a matter of survival and well-being of current as well as future generations.
There is an urgent need to foster an understanding of the various facets of climate change and spur collective action. Educators have an integral role to play in how we respond to these challenges. Building a solid understanding of the climate crisis and involving students in the journey would be fundamental to building a generation with civic action skills.
To discuss new and emerging knowledge and information on climate change and some other key environmental issues, Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) and its Green Educators’ Network (GEN) invite its network members – teachers and principals – to a Regional Knowledge Conclave for the North Indian region. The North Chapter of this Regional Knowledge Conclavewould be the third in a series; CSE has organised two regional conclaves in the past in Mysuru (South Chapter) and Kolkata (East Chapter).
The conclave will be held on November 7-8, 2023 in Amritsar, and is open exclusively for GEN Members from India’s northern states. Shortlisted participants will be expected to reach Amritsar by November 6. CSE will support the travel and stay of all shortlisted participants who would be travelling from outside Amritsar for this event.
What the Conclave is expected to focus on:
The Conclave has a limited number of seats, and the final shortlisting of participants will be done by CSE. Participation to the conclave is BY INVITATION ONLY.
If you have any queries, please contact:
Sakshi Uniyal
Environment Education Unit, CSE
011-40616000, Extn 300
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