Report of the committee constituted for development of criteria and formulation of guidelines of non-compliances into the category of serious and not-so-serious

November 05, 2011

The Ministry of Environment and Forests constituted a committee under the Chairmanship of Shri J.M. Mauskar, Special Secretary to Government of India vide Office Order No.J-11013/30/2009-IA.II (I) (Pt.) dated 14th December, 2009 to examine the issues relating to monitoring of projects. The mandate of the committee was as follows: To examine the existing monitoring procedures/methodology adopted under EIA and CRZ Notifications; To provide suggestions for an effective monitoring mechanism for various projects that are accorded clearance; ) To provide suggestions for the monitoring mechanisms to bring in quantitative analysis of the parameters listed in the environmental clearance (EC) letter; To provide suggestions for use of information technology for effective monitoring at Ministry/State level, Regional Office level and at the level of industrial unit.This is the report of the committee constituted for development of criteria and formulation of guidelines of non-compliances into the category of serious and not-so-serious.


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