Residential Training on Social Impact Assessment

As the country is progressing towards development, the arising need for more land is inevitable and so are the conflicts with the displacement of people. In order to minimize these conflicts, it is prudent to provide the inhabitants fair information on the impacts of the projects and the reimbursements against the acquisition of their lands.  It is where Social Impact Assessment plays a crucial role.

Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is the process of analyzing, monitoring and managing the social and cultural consequences of projects. It is an important tool to inform decision makers, regulators and stakeholders about the possible social and economic impacts of a development project.In order to be effective, SIA requires active involvement of all concerned stakeholders.

With an objective to enhance the capacity of the stakeholders on SIA, Centre for Science and Environment is conducting a four-day residential training programmewhich focusses on the complete process of SIA including baseline data collection, land acquisition survey, preparation of the resettlement action plan (RAP) and evaluation of SIA reports. The programme aims to build a cadre of trained professional who can conduct and review SIA reports.

Learnings from Programme

The participants will develop a complete understanding of

  • SIA methodology: Tools and instruments for conducting a SIA study
  • Baseline data information: Learn data need, data collection, collation and interpretation
  • Act and Policies:Learn provisions of the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act-2013, issues and challenges in land acquisition, and how to prepare land acquisition plan
  • Public consultation:Learn identification of affected people, modes of engagement and stages at which it is required.
  • Rehabilitation and resettlement plan:Learn how to do asset evaluation, prepare entitlement matrix and develop R&R plan.
  • Reporting methodologies:Learn how to develop a SIA report

Who can attend?

  • SIA practitioners and consultants;
  • Government officials from state revenue department, municipality, district collector, mining etc;
  • Development corporations and industries;
  • Academicians, students, researchers;
  • Civil society groups, NGOs, advocates;
  • Anyone else interested in the subject

For any queries, please contact

Ishita Garg
Training coordinator





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August 6-9, 2024
Course fees
Rs 28,000 (includes training fees, accommodation, food and travel from/to Delhi and training centre)

For relevant government officials, the course fee is sponsored by CSE.

Note: Participants have to reach CSE’s Delhi office on August 5 latest by 1 pm. Transport to the campus will be arranged from the CSE’s office.
Anil Agarwal Environment Training Institute
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Route Map for AAETI, Neemli, Rajasthan
Weather in Nimli, Tijara, Rajasthan