Residential Training “Rejuvenating Our Lakes”


Waterbodies – rivers, lakes, tanks, ponds etc. – have always been an inalienable part of many of our cities. A critical component of the human ecosystem, they have not only been a source of drinking water, but have also acted as sponges to recharge groundwater, supported biodiversity, provided livelihoods and performed the role of carbon sinks. Increasing, uncontrolled and unplanned urbanization is driving many of these waterbodies towards extinction. Their watersheds and catchment areas are being destroyed and encroached upon; they are getting clogged with mountains of sewage and solid waste; their natural flow of water is obstructed leading to floods and water-logging. Most waterbody rejuvenation programmes focus only on beautification – without exploring long-term solutions for reviving the waterbodies. This specialized residential training programme focuses on understanding the challenges of reviving and restoring waterbodies and devising ways and means to overcome those challenges. 

This residential training is a part of a three-year CSE sub-programme aimed at building capacity of cities in the Ganga basin and making them water-sensitive. Under this, a series of interactions – from webinars, workshops and trainings to field exposure visits, and knowledge conclaves – has been planned to engage with over 1,300 state and municipal functionaries and other sector players. The sub-programme is supported by the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG). It is a part of the ongoing efforts by the NMCG for ensuring convergence of NamamiGange with other national missions like AMRUT 2.0, Smart Cities, SBM 2.0, HRIDAY, NULM, Atal BhujalYojana, Jal Jeevan Mission and Jal Shakti Mission. 

The programme is supported by National Mission Clean Ganga (NMCG) and is part of the series of its ongoing efforts aimed to ensuring convergence of NamamiGange Mission with national flagship urban missions (AMRUT, Smart Cities, Swachh Bharat Mission, HRIDAY, NULM) and other missions (Atal BhujalYojana, Jal Jeewan Mission, Jal Shakti Mission) at state /city level across Ganga basin states.

Aim:The training will aim at building capacity of state/municipal functionaries and other stakeholders on issues, challenges and potential of waterbody rejuvenation. It will also focus on developing a sound understanding of mapping, and restoring lakes and water bodies, and also address issues of planning and monitoring aspects of lake rejuvenation in the urban context, specifically in the Ganga basin.

Who will benefit from the training

  • Architects, planners, engineers and other water and sanitation professionals working with consultancies, design firms, non-profits, government departments and agencies, research institutions and academic centers.
  • Central/state/municipal functionaries (decision makers/ managers and regulators)
  • Engineers or planners working with water supply and sewerage boards/ Jal Nigams or Jal Sansthans
  • Functionaries dealing with AMRUT, Smart Cities Mission, Jal Jeevan Mission (Urban), Swachh Bharat Mission (U), Atal Bhujal Mission, NamamiGange etc.
  • Accredited EIA, architecture and urban planning consultants.
  • Researchers and academics interested in curriculum development in planning, architecture and civil engineering.
  • Related sector professionals dealing with water, sanitation, flood, river, wetland or environment-related matters in cities and their urbanisable areas.  



Deputy Program Manager
Water Program
Phone: 9911339540



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