SFD Promotion Initiative, Cuttack India

July 28, 2015

Odisha, established in 1876 as municipality. It is the district headquarter and is situated at a distance of about 25 km to the north of Bhubaneswar, the present capital of Odisha. The city is surrounded by the rivers Mahanadi, Kathajodi, Birupa and Kuakhai (CMC, 2011).

The population of city, as per the 2011 Census is 606,007 persons. The density of city is 7,769 persons per sq.km which is very high when compared to the state density of 269 persons per sq.km. Total slum population is 223,619 which is 41.78% of the total population (CMC, 2011).

Municipal boundary has been chosen for the current study. It comprises an area of 192.5 sq.km (CMC, 2011).

Cuttack is completely dependent on ground water for water supply. Ground water level is 6 mbgl (CMC, 2011).


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