SFD Promotion Initiative, Dewas India

January 30, 2016

Dewas city is located on the Malwa plateau of the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh. It is headquarters of the Dewas district. The city is well connected with the state capital Bhopal by NH 86 and the commercial capital Indore by SH 18 (MoUD, 2015).

The population of city as per the 2011 Census is 289,438. The density of city is 2,889 persons per sq.km which is very high when compared to state average of 236 persons per sq.km. Total slum population is 92,770 which is 32% of the total population (Census of India, 2011). The floating population is around 25,000 (MoUD, 2015).

Municipal boundary has been chosen for the current study. It comprises of an area of 100.2 sq.km (MoUD, 2015).


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