SFD Promotion Initiative, Solapur India

August 01, 2015

Solapur is situated on the south-eastern border of Maharashtra state adjoining Karnataka. It is 550 km away from Mumbai and 300 km away from Hyderabad. It is known for textile production such as bed sheets, blankets, towels, etc (WSSD, 2011).

The population of city, as per Census 2011 is 951,118 persons. The density of city is 5,326 persons per sq.km which is very high when compared to state average of 365 persons per sq.km. Slum population is 218,757 persons which constitutes 23% of the total population (MoUD, 2013).

Municipal boundary has been chosen for the current study. It comprises an area of 178.57 sq. km (MoUD, 2013).


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