Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi CSE has supported the Govt. of Uttar Pradesh in issuing a State Model FSSM Bye-laws, which is now applicable to all the 762 cities of Uttar Pradesh. Faecal sludge and septage management (FSSM) at city-level requires regulation (FSSM Bye-laws) defining roles and responsibilities of various city-level stakeholders viz. Urban Local Bodies (ULBs), private desludgers, citizens and possibly nearby other local government institutions, ULBs and Village Panchayats. The model bye-laws document is a ready to use document that could be utilized by both types of ULBs - with or without septage treatment infrastructure while preparing their city specific FSSM bye-laws. The process of drafting FSSM bye-laws requires meticulous discussions at city board levels to decide on various fees, fines and penalties. Gazette notification of the bye-laws are crucial to be effective on ground
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