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A success in Muzaffarpur, Bihar

CSE’s intervention and hand-holding has helped 31 city wards adapt segregation at source and composting at the household level.


Children in the Chulha Trap

This quick assessment has been carried out by Centre for Science and Environment to as certain how switching from biomass-based solid fuels to cleaner liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking of mid day meals in anganwadis (day care centres that facilitate informal learning under supervision) in Biharcan help reduce exposure of children to toxic air.

What it takes to deliver midday meal

 The tragic loss of 23 young lives because of contaminated food in a Bihar school is unacceptable. But it is also a fact that the Mid Day Meal Scheme, under which cooked food is compulsorily provided to children in government schools, is too important and critical to give up on. The only questions that matter are: why does the scheme not work as well as it should and what can be done to fix it?

One man, 22 years, a road

Fed up of state's highway fixation, villagers connect themselves to the world by Alok Gupta, Gaya Shaking hands with Ramchandra Das is like clasping a stone. His hands are callused by 11 years of cutting a hill to build a road all by himself. Das’s only companions were a hammer and a spade.