Acceleration of Euro V and VI emission norms, creation of national missions/initiatives on brick kilns and clean cooking energy proposed by experts at CSE's Anil Agarwal Dialogue 2015
Need to accelerate implementation of Euro V and Euro VI
Need to accelerate implementation of Euro V and Euro VI
Accounts for more black carbon emissions than from petrol. Transport sector is responsible for 25 per cent of global black carbon emissions
With 70 per cent of buildings in India yet to come up, the country needs cleaner technology and alternative options: CSE’s Anil Agarwal Dialogue 2015
Not the same as emissions from luxury vehicles of the rich. These need to aggressively countered
CSE iterates that cutting black carbon emissions will improve health and slow down climate change
CSE's analysis of Automotive Research Association of India's CO2 emissions data points to increased oil guzzling from newer personal cars at a time when oil prices are skyrocketing June 02, 2008