GROWING SHORT: Scourge of stunting hits tribal children in Madhya Pradesh, says new analysis
Tribal populations in other states also affected
Tribal populations in other states also affected
Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), along with other organisations from across the world, urges Coca-Cola and PepsiCo to stop marketing sugared drinks to children
CSE’s earlier lab test on Maggi had revealed high salt content and empty calories
There is nothing called junk food” – says the food industry. This was the contention that the industry had put forth to a committee set up in 2013 under directions from the Delhi High Court. The committee had been tasked to frame guidelines for junk food in the country. I was a member of the committee, along with extremely dedicated, committed and knowledgeable medical professionals.
Based on experiential learning methodology, the activity sheets invoke the inquisitive spirit of the child to go out and explore the world around.
The Government of Kerala has directed the Kerala State Council for Science Technology andEnvironment (KSCSTE) for monitoring endosulfan persistence in soil, water and bloodsamples in the selected areas of Kasaragod District and its impacts on human health andenvironment vide G.O. (MS) No. 1550/20/10/HFW, dated: 09.04.2010 (Annexure I).
Like forests, tigers, minerals and groundwater, schools too, will now be meticulously ‘mapped’ by government agencies. The purpose is to find out if there are enough good ones around to cater to thousands of aspiring toddlers (looking for nursery admissions, of course!). Focus, in this case, will be rivetted on our cities, which are bursting in the seams. In fact, the Delhi administration has already made a public announcement, promising its citizens a secondary school, offering ‘quality education’ in every locality. A wise move by a very savvy Chief Minister. Why?
The international negotiation by UNEP to ban such Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) has already short listed 12 chemicals and endosulfan is expected to be the 13th name in the list.