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Delhi Clean Air Action Plan

In 2016, Delhi experienced one of its worst Diwali smog episodes in many years. Several factors converged to create the dirty haze that enveloped the capital region with the onset of winter.


Children in the Chulha Trap

This quick assessment has been carried out by Centre for Science and Environment to as certain how switching from biomass-based solid fuels to cleaner liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking of mid day meals in anganwadis (day care centres that facilitate informal learning under supervision) in Biharcan help reduce exposure of children to toxic air.

Wake up and smell the air

Our health is not on anybody’s agenda. Or, we just don’t seem to make the connections between the growing burden of disease and the deteriorating condition of our environment. We don’t really believe the science, which tells us each passing day how toxins affect our bodies, leading to high rates of both morbidity and mortality. It is true that it is difficult to establish cause and effect, but we know more than enough to say that air pollution is today a leading cause of both disease and death in India and other parts of South Asia.