As the negotiators battle it out at Cancun to pave way for a deal in climate change, India circulated a proposal called International Consultation and Analysis (ICA), as a middle path on the controversial issue of transparency on mitigation actions. This mechanism would essentially mean third-party monitoring of domestic targets and mitigation actions, something that violates the basic premise of the global climate debate.
December 1, 2010 Japan says ‘no’ to Kyoto Protocol second commitment period By Arnab Pratim Dutta, news editor, Down To Earth
December 1, 2010 New European Union report on funding commitments fails to meet developing countries’ expectations By Arnab Pratim Dutta, news editor, Down To Earth
December 2, 2010 India rejigs MRV, proposes middle path on 'transparency' By Arnab Pratim Dutta Cancun: India has urged the Negotiating Parties at COP16 in Cancun, Mexico to work through a middle path on the controversial issue of transparency on mitigation actions carried out by developing countries.